Thursday 1 December 2011


We created a flyer, newsletter and a short movie all to promote storm trooper to new starters to the company. We choose to do the newsletter, flyer and video as they are the three cheapest promotional techniques but also in my opinion the most effective. I feel the three elements I created connect well with the target audience as it was easy to understand and suitable for new users. The media told them all they needed to know about the company and was easily assessable.
The flyer we created in publisher. Taking the target audience into consideration it needed to be eye catching and simple. The flyer contained 4 little segments of information briefly summarising what the blog will contain. As the information is easy to read and easy to understand it fits in well with the target audience and suitable for new comers to the company.
The email newsletter I also created in publisher. Whilst creating the newsletter I had to take into consideration of the target audience. I explained what the company was about in more detail than the flyer this gave the new starters to the company the background this was beneficial as they then knew what storm trooper was about.
The short video was made in movie maker. The video was there to advertise our blog. The target audience was for all new starters to the company and it was there to give them an insight to what we can do for them.

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